U.S. Cyber Command members work in the Integrated Cyber Center, Joint Operations Center at Fort George G. Meade, Md., April. 2, 2021.

Modernize and Enhance Data Analytics and Dynamic Decision Support

Over the next year, DTRA will leverage its cross-agency capabilities to enhance modeling, simulation, visualization, and decision support – internal to the agency and external to partners and customers throughout phases of competition, crisis, and conflict. To produce influential information in the current national security environment, DTRA will develop integrated dynamic data visualization for its Combatant Command support, 24/7 reachback, and cross-agency operating picture in shareable, interoperable, transferable, flexible, and sustainable ways. While modernizing our support capabilities, we will further enhance our posture for the future by advancing our facilities and infrastructure to meet the needs of a modern, Artificial Intelligence (AI)-enabled digital work environment. This includes establishing effective development, security, and operations platforms for internal and external development to produce, field, and sustain software tools at digital-age speeds. In addition, we must develop data analytics and high-performance computing infrastructure that delivers multi-level security decision-making information on operationally informed timelines. These efforts must also align with an effective data strategy that provides enduring capabilities. Achieving information superiority requires an integrated, whole-of agency approach that addresses the reality of today’s threat environment while anticipating future emerging threats.

DTRA must enhance its capabilities for success in a data-driven future. DTRA will establish and resource a Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office, leading us toward a more agile, innovative, and data-centric organization. The breadth to which quality data and responsible AI will impact each Directorate, team, and individuals in performing their duties cannot be overstated. All leaders and executors alike must apply a collaborative, data-driven lens across all mission and business operations in the digital era. As an agency, we must increase our data acumen to effectively govern, manage, employ, analyze, and present data to inform DTRA and our partner’s decisions. In addition, by breaking down silos and facilitating cross functional collaboration, DTRA seeks to unlock the full potential of our data, creating a catalyst for informed decision-making and enhanced mission effectiveness and efficiency.



DTRA provides cross-cutting solutions to enable the Department of Defense, the United States Government, and international partners to deter strategic attack against the United States and its allies; prevent, reduce, and counter WMD and emerging threats; and prevail against WMD-armed adversaries in crisis and conflict.  

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