On 02 May 2024, the United States and Armenia extended an agreement, known as the “Umbrella Agreement,” instituting bilateral cooperation against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Since its inception in 2002, the Umbrella Agreement has underpinned the U.S.-Armenian partnership, and seeks to detect, prevent, and deter the proliferation of WMDs and related materials and technologies. Owing to the effectiveness of the agreement, the United States and Armenia have previously extended it twice: the first time in 2009 and again in 2016. This third and, most recent, extension will span an additional seven years through November 2030.
As one of the primary U.S. agencies driving the U.S.-Armenian partnership, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) has offered Armenia technical assistance, expertise, and materials—valued at over $130 million USD—as part of their counterproliferation mission. Beginning in 2011, DTRA’s Proliferation Prevention Program (PPP) has assisted Armenia with strengthening its capacity to detect and interdict WMD trafficking through enhancements in land border control and other security measures.
DTRA remains committed in enhancing Armenia’s counterproliferation capacity and ensuring Armenia can prevent and deter the proliferation of WMDs before they pose security or stability threats to the nation, region, and international community.
For more information on the Umbrella Agreement, the Proliferation Prevention Program, and other DTRA programs, visit