Home About Mission NUCLEAR TEST PERSONNEL REVIEW (NTPR) NTPR FACT SHEETS NTPR FACT SHEETS Below is a listing of fact sheets produced by the NTPR office about the program and nuclear test series. All documents are in Adobe PDF format. PROGRAM SHEETS Overview of the NTPR Program Atomic Veteran Benefits Programs Radiation Exposure in U.S. Atmospheric Nuclear Weapons Testing Radiation Exposure in U.S. Underground Nuclear Weapons Testing NTPR: Program Reviews and Scientific Studies NTPR: Hiroshima and Nagasaki Occupation Forces The Atomic Veterans Service Certificate (AVSC) The Radiological Cleanup of Enewetak Atoll OPERATIONAL/PROJECT SHEETS Project TRINITY (1945-1946) Operation CROSSROADS (1946) Operation SANDSTONE (1948) Operation RANGER (1951) Operation GREENHOUSE (1951) Operation BUSTER-JANGLE(1951) Operation TUMBLER-SNAPPER (1952) Operation IVY (1952) Operation UPSHOT-KNOTHOLE (1953) Operation CASTLE (1954) Operation WIGWAM (1955) Operation TEAPOT (1955) Operation REDWING (1956) Operation PLUMBBOB (1957) Operation HARDTACK I (1958) Operation ARGUS (1958) Operation HARDTACK II (1958) Operation DOMINIC I (1962) Operation DOMINIC II (1962) Projects GNOME and SEDAN: The PLOWSHARE Program (1961 - 1973)