Media Contact


Questions? Story ideas? Social media request? Member of the media looking for information? Reach out to the DTRA Public Affairs for assistance.

Ground rules must be agreed upon at the beginning of a conversation or an interview with DTRA officials. The discussion should proceed only after you and the officials are clear on exactly how the information can be used or attributed.

On the Record

Information may be quoted directly and attributed to the official by name and title.

On Background

The official's remarks may be quoted directly or paraphrased and are attributed to a "DTRA official" or "DTRA Spokesperson," as determined by the official.

On Deep Background

The source cannot be quoted or identified in any manner, not even as "an unnamed source." The information is usually couched in such phrases as "it is understood that" or "it has been learned." The information may be used to help present the story or to gain a better understanding of the subject, but the knowledge is that of the reporter, not the source.

Off the Record

Nothing of what the journalist is told may be used in the story. The information is meant only for the education of the reporter.

Public Release of Information

By regulation, the Chief of Public Affairs must review all information considered for public release as required by DoDD 5230.09 Clearance of DoD Information for Public Release and DODI 5205.02E: DoD Operations Security Program.

DoD Instruction 5230.9 mandates a security and policy review of all official DoD information intended for public release that pertains to military matters, national security issues, or subjects of significant concern to the DoD. All DoD unclassified information (such as papers, presentations, videos, images, news releases, etc.) must be reviewed before it is released to the public.

At DTRA, in coordination with DTRA Security and Operations, Public Affairs is committed to safeguarding classified and critical information that must be protected. These employees complete extended OPSEC training as part of their position requirements. DTRA Public Affairs Specialists, webmasters and content managers who post information external to DTRA review the information prior to release to ensure critical and sensitive information is not posted on public websites.



DTRA provides cross-cutting solutions to enable the Department of Defense, the United States Government, and international partners to deter strategic attack against the United States and its allies; prevent, reduce, and counter WMD and emerging threats; and prevail against WMD-armed adversaries in crisis and conflict.  

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8725 John J. Kingman Rd., Fort Belvoir, Va. 22060-6221

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